vendredi 16 août 2019

Leg day Destruction :The Least You Can Expect !

Leg day Destruction :The Least You Can Expect !
Hello everyone today is a good day ,it's you're not gonna be able to walk tomorrow day ,it's leg day !
,we are doing some new exercises with really high cardiovascular intensity ,it will makes you stronger ,more explosive and lean .
This workout is combined of 5 exercises that works the quads ,gluts ,hamstrings and calves ,you’re gonna love it,now prepare you water bottle ,your favorite playlist and let’s do it!

Warm ups(20 s):
A-Slow high knees
B-Toe touch sweeps
C-Leg swings
D-Warrior two
E-Squat push-pull (imagine pushing an invisible wall while squating ,then pulling with strength when up)
F-Torso rotations
G-Arms circles
H-Jog in place
I-Jumping jacks

Warm ups for the squat  :
This special warm ups are to make ready for squats especially in the clean and press,they help with the hips ,the ankle mobility and the glutes/quads contractions :

The GREATEST Squat Warm Up Routine

Strength routine:
Exercise one:Walk the box squats[45 seconds ,4 sets,30 seconds rest]

This exercise is simple ,you make it to a squat position ,not too high or too low just in the middle,of course by then you’re contracting the glutes and the quads ,little bit of abs too for stability ,now walk to the right or the left by extending the leg to that direction (still maintining a squat position),then the other leg follows ,same thing to the back making a full square until you came to your first position,your moves shouldnt be too fast or too slow ,count 3 seconds for each stop and never leave a squat position until the 45 seconds are done ,do it in the two directions.

Exercise two:Dumbbell clean and press [4 to 5 sets,8 to 10 reps each side,1 minute rest]

The clean and press is dissected into three main movements:
A:Squat position ,holding the dumbbell between the legs three inches from the floor ,back straight and abs contracted ,looking forward and thinking how you’re gonna blast it off!
B:Dumbbell resting on the shoulders,making another squat position with glutes and quads contracted.
C:Dumbbell above the head, arm locked by the elbow and legs straight in a standing position .
Now this is how you gonna execute them:
First,all this movements are done with the legs ,you’re elevating the dumbbell by an explosive motion of the legs ,from position A to B ,straightening the legs a little bit then return to a squat position ,dumbbell resting on the shoulder,squeeze the glutes and the quads again and push the dumbbell up ,feel the weight with the legs until you’re on position C ,remember we are not doing any press with the shoulders ,breath for a second then redo the movement from C ,to B dumbbell resting on the shoulder and in a squat position ,to A by straightening a little bit the legs all the way to another squat position dumbbell three inches from the floor.
I know it’s a bit too much to grasp ,i’am begging you to start with a super light weight ,get used to the movement ,watch a video on YouTube and get that shit done.

Exercise three:Farmer walk [6 sets ,50 seconds to 1 minute,with 1 minute rest]

Choose pretty heavy dumbbells or kattllebells (from15 lbs to 30 lbs ,or above for advenced) ,hold them tight ,back contracted walk with slow and firm steps around the house or outdoor until the one minute is over.

Exercise Four:Reverse lunges[6 sets ,16 to 20 reps]

This is a drop set to the farmer walk,either do 12 reps each side or straight 20 reps switching legs,the trick is when you’re standing make sure to squeeze the glute ,then execute the lunge with 90 degrees knee ,squeeze the quad ,the hamstring and glute to go up .

Exercise Five:Calf raises [3 to 4 sets,12 to 20 reps, 1 min rest]

Do the normal calf raises counting 1s up and 3 s down .

Note :there is a slightly modified version where you can put your feel at a 45 degrees angle toes out or in,holding the dumbbells for about 30 seconds ,do it as a superset to the normal calf raises .

Cool Down (20 s):
1-Toe touch stretch
2-Standing Quad stretch
3-Inner thigh stretch
4-Pigeon stretch
5-Deep gluts stretch
6-Supine twist stretch
7-Butterfly stretch

And its done guys ,hope you loved this routine ,tomorrow i'am not sure you could walk properly ,but do your best ,its how you grow those legs ,please drink lots of water ,eat healthy and have good sleep ,see you next time.Peace.

mardi 13 août 2019

Back Day Workout:Works the Lats,Upper back and the Traps !

Back day Routine:
Hi everyone it's been a while i know i've been lacking some motivation ,but today we gonna change it ,we are doing a full back workout with no machine ,only reps and good form ,this workout is combined of 6 exercises with two single exercises and two drop sets .
Now prepare your water bottle ,your favorite playlist and let's dot it !

Warm ups (20 s):
A-Arms circles
B-Slow high knee
C-Torso twist
D-Toe touch sweeps
E-Leg swings
F-Side bend
H-Jog in place

Cardio session:
Before umping into the strength part it's advisable to do a cardio session,what i love to do is to choose a kickboxing routine or a low intensity cardio and abs  ,you don't have to write them down ,be lazy like me and search on Youtube there is tons of them my favorites are of course Fitness Blender's videos:
30 Minute Cardio Kickboxing and Abs Workout - At Home
Energy Boosting Cardio Jumpstart - Total Body Warm Up
Cardio KickBoxing and Core Workout - Jump Rope and Kickboxing

Strength Routine:
Exercise One:Pull ups [4 to 5 sets,6 to 12 reps]

Assisted version :

Note:if you've never done pull ups or you barely can do a one rep ,don't worry,there is much easier versions where you can use a resistance band or a box to put your feet on ,here's a video tuorial by megsquats :

Exercise Two: Push-ups [4 to 5 sets,10 to 30 reps]

This is a drop set to the previous exercise this means no rest period between ,do the push ups focusing your intention on a upper back contraction ,your lats and your chest .

Exercise Three: Single Arm Dumbbell Row [4 to 5 sets,12 to 20 reps]

Set 1,2:Choose a weight from 7 lbs to 15 lbs,try pulling with the elbows ,squeeze the lats and use a little rotation of the hips on the top motion ,also control the weight all the way down ,always contracting the lats.
Set 3:Get heavier dumbbells and do at least 12 reps with.
Set 4,5:Decrease the weight and do up to 17 reps

Note:if you start to feel it on your shoulders especially on the rear delt or in the lower back ,you are using too much weight or not getting enough rest period ,always be efficient .

Exercise Four:Hammer Grip Pull ups[4 sets,6 to 12 reps]

This pull-ups variation uses the arm muscle especially the biceps ,also the lats and the traps ,if it's hard for you use a box put your feet on them and do only the second portion of the exercise which is the pull up .

Exercise Five :Close Grip Push-ups[4 sets,8 to 12 reps]

You can incorporate this exercise as a drop set to the pull ups, it improves your strength by working on the triceps the chest and the upper back .

Exercise Six :Dumbbells Shrugs[4 to 5 sets,14 to 20 reps]

This is a most when it comes to traps ,the trick is to maintain tension on the traps throughout the motion ,arms straight in both sides,feel the weight on your traps squeeze them up ,then control all the way down .

Exercise Seven :One Plate Trap raises [drop set to the shrugs]

Arms extended and locked at 45 degrees contract your traps(the portion located in the back of the neck),elevate the plate over your head ,squeeze the traps ,then down also never relax until you're done with the reps ,always maintain a tension.

Cool down (20 s):
1-Arm cross stretch
2-Wide leg forward fold
3-Downward dog
4-Cobra stretch
5-Child pose
6-Supine twist stretch

And it's done ,hopefully you liked this routine ,please drink lot's of water ,eat healthy ,and see you next time.Peace.