dimanche 18 juin 2017

Best Back and Shoulders Strength Workout for Busy People

Back and Shoulders Strength Workout for Busy People:
Here we go again with the busy people series ,hope you're doing well guys ,today we're doing a back and shoulders workout ,this routine need a high focus on the reps the form and the contraction  ,the weight doesn't matter because we're doing high reps with low weight in each set ,that been said ,prepare your dumbbells your water bottle and LET'S JUMP INTO IT !

Warm up (free form):
1-Toe to head stretch (with a standing position bend your back to touch your toe and rise the hand over the head while stretching the back )
2-Shoulder rotations
3-Standing twist
4-Leg swing (L+R)
5-Squat push-pull (squat while pushing your hand from your chest forward ,stretch the back then return to your standing positing while pulling the hand backward to the chest)
6-Lunges side bend (lunge in the bottom position and bend your hip/obliques to your left/right return to your standing position and do the same with the other leg )
7-Shoulder passes (use a band or shoelace with shoulder width hold the ends with both hands and pass the band from your hips to  your head ,then to your lower back you're almost making a full circle with the band)

Strength Routine:

Group 1 [4-5 sets,10-20 reps,45 second rest]
B-Bent over reverse fly dumbbells

Note:Use light weight with the reverse fly ,and use dumbbells or barbell for the deadlift ,focus on squeezing the upper back,the abs ,and the hamstrings

Group 2 [4-5 sets,10-20 reps,45s-1 min rest]
A-Lateral raises
B-Shrugs superset with Front plate raises

Note:Always opt for high reps and light weight , focus on getting a good contraction ,if you feel cracks in your shoulder joints that make unconformable ,use lighter weight ,or rest for a while
-For the traps exercises i recommend following  ATHLEAN-X video :
so helpful.


Group 3 [3 sets,10-20 reps,45s-1 min rest]
A-Shoulder press

Note:you can use a pretty heavy dumbbells for this remaining sets ,always focus on the contraction

Cool down :
1-Arm crossover stretch (L+R)
2-Isometric internal/external rotation
3-Wide-Leg Forward Fold
4-Downward dog
6-Child pose
7-Supine Twist

And it's done !,good job guys ,hope you had a good time doing this workout,drink lots of water and eat healthy ,see you next time.Peace !

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