jeudi 22 novembre 2018

4 Super-sets to Build a Huge Back :Result Guaranteed !

4 Super-sets to Build a Huge Back :Result Guaranteed !
Hello everyone ,it's been a while since we discussed back routines ,time has come for you to lean four super-sets to build every part of your back .Now, i could lie to you and say that this workout has 100% warranty if you're not satisfied with the result and i would give you my face to slap me back but a proper knowledge of the exercises and a good solid form is crucial to get the desired result ,also good nutrition and healthy sleep .
But as Barbarians do,getting a good damn pump and chasing every single rep until failure ,and this workout will provide you with just that !
Now enough taking let's get that shit done!

Warm ups (20s):
1-Arm circles
2-Slow High knees
3-Slow butt kicker
4-Supine twists
5-Front reach +chest stretch
6-Jog in place
7-Jumping jack

You can do a kickboxing routine to really gets you warmed up :
Kickboxing ,Abs and Back Strength Routine

Back routine :
Group 1:
Exercise One : Bent over reverse flyes [12 to 25 reps,4 to 5 sets]

Set 1:Start with a super light weight (below the 15 lbs )and do up to 20 reps with,contract your upper back when getting from position A to B and maintain straighter lower back as possible ,also control the movement of the dumbbell from position B to A do not let it fall ,you can bend your upper back at the bottom of the movement and let the dumbbells touch and start again.
Set 2,3,4:Increase the weight (between 15 lbs and 30 lbs)and do at least 12 reps .
Set 5:lower the weight and do reps to failure.

Exercise Two :Pull ups [6 to 12 reps,4 to 5 sets, 1 minute rest ][As a super-set to the previous one]

Note:at first do as many reps as you can ,then for every other set decrease the reps with 1 to 2 reps.

Group 2:
Exercise One :Dumbbells rows [12 to 20 reps,4 to 5 sets]

Set one :choose a dumbbell and do 20 reps with ,imagine that you're trying to let the elbows touch behind your back ,contract your lats throughout the movement .
Set 2,3,4:Don't be shy and choose a heavy dumbbell that you can do 12 reps with.
Set 5:Decrease the weight and get to failure with it.

Exercise Two :Neutral Grip pull ups [6 to 12 reps,4 to 5 sets, 1 minute rest ][As a super-set to the previous one]

Note:Do as much reps as you can the first set ,decrease with 1 to 2 reps the next set ,always maintain a number of reps in your mind before doing the set and get to that number even if your last rep is a half rep .

Group 3:
Exercise One:Dumbbells Shrugs  [3 to 4 sets,8 to 15 reps]

Set 1:use light weight the first set 15 lbs to 30 lbs and do 20 reps,try feeling the dumbbells from your hands to your traps like you're holding the weight with your traps ,go all the way up full extension then down without loosing up ,always maintain some kind of tension .
Set 2,3:Use heavier weights and do 12 to 17 reps with it .

Exercise Two:Plate raises [super set to the previous exercise]

Note:this exercise focus on the lower and middle trapezius ,as in the previous exercise contract the trap muscles and move the plate from a horizontal positon to a vertical one above the head ,and down without loosing the tension ,feel the weight with your traps ,not with your front delt .

Group 4:
Exercise One:Chin-ups [3 to 4 sets ,6 to 12 reps ,1 min rest]

Exercise Two:Push ups [Super-set to the previous one]

Note:yes push ups can be a great back routine just contract your lats and upper back throughout the whole movement and you'll feel the pump of your life ! ,do as much as you can until failure .

Cool down (30s):
A-Arm cross stretch
B-Toe touch stretch
C-Wide legs forward fold 
D-Downward Dog
E-Cobra stretch
F-Child pose
G-Supine twist stretch
H-Butterfly stretch

And it's done ,i hope you liked this quick and effective routine,if you want you can add your own exercises ,but you have to train hard ,be smart and impeccable ,see you next time .Peace.

jeudi 20 septembre 2018

Best Shoulder Workout Yet !:Grow healthy and Strong Delts

Best Shoulder Workout Yet !:Grow healthy and Strong Delts
Hello everyone ,today we're about to do a full shoulder workout that includes both strength and endurance ,also some flexibility ,you don't need anything apart your dumbbells and one plate ,this workout is designed to give you a nice healthy pump when you can feel as much of your shoulders as you can ,also it has some endurance exercises to make your moves more explosive.
Now prepare your water bottle ,your favorite playlist and LET'S HEAD INTO IT!

Warm ups:
A-Arm circles
B-Front reach +chest stretch
C-Torso twist
D-Slow high knees
E-Leg swings
F-Toe touch sweeps
H-Jog in place
K-Jumping jacks

Warm up sets :
Now we're doing a pyramid set with 3 exercises for 3 sets ,minimal rest between exercises and
1 minute rest between sets:
Pyramid 1:
Ex 1: Ladder Push up march

Note:you can use a floor ladder ,or just imagine one and go back and forth ,the key here is to contract the shoulder and upper back muscles to perform the movement.

Ex 2:Mule kicks [10 to 15 reps]

Ex 3:High knees [20 seconds]

Pyramid 2 [3 sets,1 minute rest between sets]:
Ex 1:Lateral raises [15 to 20 rep]

Ex 2:Plate raises [10 to 15 reps]

Ex 3: Shoulder plate Bus driver [10 to 15 reps]

Ex 4: Shoulder plate press out to figure 8  [10 to 15 reps]

Note:use light weight for the lateral raises and increase the reps each set.

Strength Routine:
In this part of the workout we're dealing with heavy dumbbells ,more sets and more explosiveness .

Exercise One:Dumbbells Clean and Press [8 to 17 reps,5 sets ,1 min rest]

Note:use your legs to drive the dumbbell from the bottom position  which is a squat position up to your shoulder level ,then with an explosive motion starting from your legs by squeezing your gluts and hamstrings  you drive the dumbbell up to a standing position with a straight arm ,do this the other way up and down.

Exercise Two :Dumbbells Shoulder Press [10  to 20 reps,5 to 6 sets,1 to 2 min rest]

Set 1:Use light weight between 15 lbs to 30 lbs and do at least 20 solid reps with.
Set 2 and 3:Increase the weight up to 30% the previous weight and do 12 to 15 reps with.
Set 4 and 5:Use 75% of your one rep max weight ,or intuitively choose a heavy dumbbell and do 8 to 10 reps.
Set 6:Lower the weight and do reps to failure.

Exercise Three:Rear delt raises [reps to failure ,4 sets,1 min rest]

Super-set with
Exercise Four:Front delt raises [reps to failure]

Note:reps to failure means that you treat every rep as your last rep ,do it properly until you can't hold your form ,feel every reps by squeezing the right muscle.

Cool Down (20 s)
1-Toe touch stretch
2-Arm crossover stretch
3-Triceps stretch
4-Chest stretch (put your hand in the wall ,shoulder height and turn facing the opposite direction of the wall )
5-Wide leg forward fold stretch
6-Downward dog
7-Cobra stretch
8-Child pose
9-Supine twist stretch
10-Deep glut stretch

And that's it guys,good job ,hope you liked this routine ,i see you on the next one and drink lots of water .Peace.

lundi 10 septembre 2018

Abs ,Chest and Arms Unconventional Strength Workout for Greater Pump

Abs ,Chest and Arms Unconventional Strength Workout for Greater Pump:

Hi everyone ,today we're doing an unconventional chest and arms workout ,in this workout we're starting with 15 minutes of abs followed with chest,triceps,shoulders and biceps strength exercises ,this workout is designed to gets you a full and strong pump ,in the end of the workout we're doing supersets to burn more fat .
Now prepare your water bottle ,your favorite playlist and let's do it !

Warm up(30s):
1-Arms crisscross
2-Arms circles
3-Side bend
4-Slow high knees
5-Torso twists
6-Jog in place
7-Jumping jacks

Abs routine [50 seconds on ,10 seconds rest]

Group 1 :
B-Back bow

C-Jack knife crunches

D-Back bow reach

E-Russian twist


G-X crunches

Rest period (1 to 2 minutes)

Group 2:
A-Toe touch crunches

B-Side leg lift crunches[left and right]

C-Bicycle crunches

D-Side plank[left and right]

E-Flutter kicks

Warm up sets:
As always we're warming up the conventional way ,the barbarian way ,look in this article to see how to warm up the upper body properly :

Strength Routine:
Exercise One :Dumbbells Bench Press [10 to 17 reps ,5 sets,1 minute rest]

Set one:Start with dumbbells from 15 lbs to 30 lbs ,do 17 to 20 reps .
Set 2,3,4:Now you can use heavy dumbbells above the 30 lbs ,do at least 10 solid reps with .
Set five:Lower the weight and do 14 to 17 reps

Exercise Two (As a superset to the previous one):Knee drag push ups [6 to 8 reps each side]

Note:In this one you need a box or a chair to put your feet on and perform this push ups by bringing the knee to your chest then do 2 successive push up while maintaining that positing ,then switching the knee to the other side ,this exercise is essential for chest growth because it focus on the abduction of the muscle which is important .

Exercise Three:Dumbbells triceps kickbacks /Triceps extensions (EZ bar)[10 to 20 reps,6 sets ,1 minute rest]

Set one,two,three:as a warm up we're doing the dumbbells triceps kickbacks exercise using light weight ,the goal here is to maintain the contraction of the triceps through the whole movement ,do at least 12 reps ,using the 15 lbs to 30 lbs dumbbells.
Set 4,5,6:do the Triceps extensions using weight that you can do at least 10 reps with.

Exercise Four :Chest dips [6 to 10 reps,4 sets]

Note:as you can see this is not a regular dip ,it involves bending the body forward (60 degree or less) focusing on the contraction of the chest muscles ,stay on a short range of motion without fully going up or going all the way down ,just the right interval to not involve too much of the triceps or the front delt.

Exercise Five :Dumbbells Shoulder press/Arnold press [10 to 20 reps,6 sets,1 minute rest]

Set 1:starting with the shoulder press ,use light weight and do at least 17 reps with.
Set 2,3:use heavier dumbbells and do at least 12 reps
Set 4:now switching to the Arnold press ,with light dumbbells do 15 reps
Note:for the Arnold press try to contract the chest in the base of the movement ,use your chest to elevate the dumbbells to your shoulders level then use your shoulder to complete the movement all the way up .
Set 5,6:use heavier dumbbells and do 10 solid reps with.

Exercise Six:Biceps curls (EZ bar)[4 sets ,reps to failure] Super-set with Push ups [reps to failure] ,super-set with Burpees [8-12 reps]

Cool Down (20 s)
1-Toe touch stretch
2-Arm crossover stretch
3-Triceps stretch
4-Chest stretch (put your hand in the wall ,shoulder height and turn facing the opposite direction of the wall )
5-Wide leg forward fold stretch
6-Downward dog
7-Cobra stretch
8-Child pose
9-Supine twist stretch

That's it guys ,hope you liked this routine ,make sure to drink lots of water ,eat healthy and have good sleep,see you .Peace.

mercredi 29 août 2018

Listen to your body :What you don't expect to happen.

Listen to your body :

Hello guys ,i have a story to share with you and in that story there is a moral value or whatever you wanna call it ,which is about you owning your body and about the ability to choose what to do about it ,it's also a story about how your body can respond to you .
That day we were having a nice barbecue family party and i was responsible for cutting and preparing the meat ,with my cousins in the kitchen we were supposed to deliver the last kebabs but we didn't had any meat ,so i went to cut a piece from the sheep leg ,as i took the knife with my right hand and with a rushing motion without paying attention to my left hand holding the meat i cut  my index finger ,it wasn't a serious cut , it started bleeding slowly i took a piece of cotton filled with rubbing alcohol and i put it on my finger .
At that moment my head dozed off ,my head was getting heavier and felt nausea in my stomach ,my legs gave up ,i looked around with half closed lids and the last face i remember seeing is my cousins astonished faces and my uncle coming toward me , i actually fell on the ground , my head hit the closet behind me and in moments every motor function in me stopped my eyes closed automatically ,i saw blackness , my uncle dragged me on the ground and put my legs on a bench and a pillow on my head so blood would pump into my head so i would gain consciousness ,seconds later which seemed hours to me ,i started to feel my legs and i could hear around me ,i started to breath with fast pace ,then slowly i returned to my normal awareness ,sweating profusely they gave me a glass of water mixed with sugar ,then i got up .
The moral of this story guys is obvious ,my body made an urgent call for me ,a call to slow down ,a call to take more care ,be more wise ,and the way my body made the call wasn't the least comfortable,if you guys hadn't encountered such situations in your life good for you ,but as a message from friend to friend ,listen to your body ,get good sleep ,eat well,look into other facets of your life,be it that you're spending too much on some ,or less on others ,physical ,moral,sexual,emotional,spiritual ,psychic ... whatever it is ,take a closer look at it ,and you'll be just fine .

This is all i wanted to share with you guys ,take care ,and see you next time Peace.   

mardi 14 août 2018

Chest ,Arms and Shoulders Strength Workout for Bigger Gains

Chest ,Arms and Shoulders Strength Workout for Bigger Gains :

Hello everyone ,today we're doing a kind of  workout that get you shredded ,enhance fat loss and build muscles ,it's a variation of exercises designed to shock the muscles and make them grow faster ,we're finishing with shoulder exercises that define a 3D shoulder .
Let's head into it!

Warm up (30s):
1-Shoulder rotation
2-Front reach +chest stretch
3-Arm circles
4-Arms crossover
5-Torso twist
7-Jog in place
8-Jumping jacks

Warm up sets:[10-16 reps ,3 to 4 sets]
Exercise One : Shoulder pass through

Exercise Two: Seated Rotator cuff external rotation

Exercise Three:Bent over reverse flyes

Strength Workout:
Exercise One :Bench press [6 to 8 sets,10 to 20 reps,1 minute rest]

Set 1:Start with the empty bare 
Set 2:Add weight between 15 to 30 lbs and do up to 20 reps.
Set 3 and 4:Put more weight from 30% to 70% the previous weight and do 14 to 17 reps.
Set 5 and 6:Put 50% to 100% the previous weight ,do 12 solid reps.
Set 7:Max weight ,do at least 8 reps.
Set 8:unload the bare to a lower weight and do 14 reps with.

Exercise Two:Triceps kickback [4 to 5 sets,12 to 18 reps ,1 minute rest]

Note:use light weight the first sets ,make sure to contract the triceps muscles all the way up and down ,if you start feeling it in the front delt ,redirect your attention to the triceps or use lighter weight .

Exercise Three:Close Grip Bench press [4 to 5 sets ,12 to 17 reps ,1 minute rest]

Note:Use your leg drive 

Exercise Four:Barbell curls [4 sets,8 to 14 reps,1 minute rest]

Super set with 
Exercise Five:Lateral raises [4 sets ,10 to 14 reps]

Note :use light weight ,try to squeeze your mid delt and not your traps ,keep the tension all the way up and down .

Exercise Seven:Pullover [4 sets ,12 to 17 reps,1 minute rest]

Super set with :
Knee drag push ups [4 sets,4 to 8 reps each side]

Exercise Eight:Dumbbell Shoulder press [4 sets ,12 to 16 reps ,1 minute rest]

Exercise Nine ,Ten & Eleven :
In this trio we're basing on delts ,all of this three exercise can be found in ATHLEAN-X video:

1-Plate press out [3 sets ,8 to 12 reps]

2-Shoulder plate bus driver [3 sets ,8 to 12 reps]

3-Shoulder plate press out to figure 8 [3 sets ,8 to 12 reps]

4-Mule kick [3 sets ,8 to 12 reps]

Cool Down (20 s)
1-Toe touch stretch
2-Arm crossover stretch
3-Triceps stretch
4-Chest stretch (put your hand in the wall ,shoulder height and turn facing the opposite direction of the wall )
5-Wide leg forward fold stretch
6-Downward dog
7-Cobra stretch
8-Child pose
9-Supine twist stretch

And we're done guys ! good job ,i hope it's not too much ;) ,but it's worth it ,please drink lots of water ,eat healthy and see you soon,have a great day .Peace.