lundi 1 avril 2019

Kickboxing ,Abs ,Legs and Triceps all in One Session

Kickboxing ,Abs ,Legs and Triceps all in One Session:
Sometimes after an exhausting day at work ,we need to temper ourselves with a great fulfilling workout ,and what's better than a full body workout ? so today i'am presenting to you a workout with cardio and strength exercises starting with the kickboxing and abs routine then switching to the weights, so prepare your water bottle your favorite playlist and let's do it !

Warm ups (20 seconds):
A-Arms crossover
B-Arms circles
C-Torso twist + slow high knee
D-Walkdown (using the arms walking from a standing position to a push ups position)
E-Toe touch sweeps(in a standing position feet apart ,sweep with your torso making a full body circle from left leg to right leg,then right to left )
F-Leg swings
G-Jog in place
H-Jumping jacks

Kickboxing and Abs routine:
In this part we're doing an ABABC format with the kickboxing left and right side 20 s each,then 2xABCD format with the abs about 30 s  ,resting 10 s between each exercise.

Kickboxing:[20 s on left and right side,10 s rest ]
A-2x (jab,cross),2x upper cuts
B-2x hooks ,2x upper cuts

C-jab,cross (burnout )

Abs :[30 s on ,10 s rest]
A-Toe touch
B-Back bow
C-Windshield wipers

Kickboxing:[20 s on left and right side,10 s rest ]
A-2x hooks,2x knees
B-2x knees ,jab ,cross

C-Knee (burnout)

Abs:[30 s on ,10 s rest]
A-Jackknife crunches
B-Back bow crossover
C-Side hip raises (left )
D-Side hip raises (right )

Strength Routine :
In this part we're mainly doing strength exercises with dumbbells and a barbell ,with 2 to 3 leg exercises and 2 triceps exercises ,with burnout movement for 45 seconds .

Exercise 1 (warm up):overhead"Walk the box"[45 seconds ,4 sets]:

Make a squat position with your hands up and back  as straight as possible ,move with the legs making a square from right to left then forward .....etc without breaking your squat form .
For more information refer to this video :10 Minute Leg Workout (METABOLIC MASSACRE!)

Exercise 2 :Single arm dumbbell clean and press [7 to 10 reps ,5 sets,1 minute rest]

Set 1:Use a pretty light dumbbell from 0 to 15 lbs ,as always you start with a squat position ,holding the weight with your hand between your legs ,push with the legs by squeezing the quads ,glutes and hamstrings to leverage the weight to your shoulder ,then with an other explosive push the weight above your head straightening the legs ,then reverse the motion by letting the weight drop on your shoulder and getting to a squat position to absorb the force with your legs ,and then all the way down to the floor ,that's 1 rep lol,do 10 reps with.
For more information refer to this video made by me :Dumbbell clean and press
Set 2:Get a heavier dumbbell and do at least 8 reps each side.
Set 3:With more heavier dumbbell do 5 to 7 reps each side .
Set 4:Same as set 2.
Set 5:Same as set 1 .

Note:I like to do the dumbbell clean and press followed with 45 s "walk the box"it's really worth it.

Exercise 3:Triceps kickbacks [12 to 20 reps ,5 sets ,1 minute rest]/Cable triceps kickback

Set 1:With light dumbbells do at least 17 reps .then move to the cable kickbacks and do 10 to 12 reps each side.
Note:you just need resistance bands to do the cable kickbacks , tie it to your bed or a place not higher than your hips level ,squeeze the triceps throughout all the motion and make sure you can fully extend your arms behind your back .
Set 2:get heavier dumbbells and do at least 12 reps ,then 8 to 10 reps each side with the cable kickbacks .
Set 3:Same as set 2.
Set 4:Same as set 2
Set 5 (burnout):Do as much reps as you can.

Exercise 4:Romanian deadlift [12 to 17 reps ,4 to 5 sets ,1 minute rest ]

Note :the trick here is to make the barre follow a vertical path while leaving almost no space between your legs and the barre ,squeeze your glutes and hams at the bottom motion ,with abs and lats contracted .
For more information see this video:Romanian deadlift

Exercise 5:Triceps extension EZ bar /Single arm triceps extension [4 to 5 sets ,10 to 15 reps,1 minute rest]

Note :you can either use an EZ bar or with just dumbbells ,start with a super light weight do at least 15 reps then move to heavier weight doing at least 10 reps ,take rest time for about 1 to 2 minutes.

Cool down (20 s):
A-Arm cross stretch
B-Triceps stretch
C-Quad stretch
D-Inner thigh stretch
E-Wide legs forward fold
F-Downward dog
G-Cobra stretch
H-Child pose
I-Supine twist stretch
J-Butterfly stretch

And it's done guys ,good job ,i hope you liked this routine ,drink lots of water ,eat healthy and see you soon .Peace.