jeudi 20 juillet 2017

The Ultimate Leg Workout for Summer:Build your quads,gluts and hamstring .

The Ultimate Leg Workout for Summer:Build your quads ,gluts and hamstring .

Today we're working on our lower body ,we're getting those legs jacked and strong ,boys and girls ,those who wants to wear shorts and those who wants the bikini to fit perfectly ,this workout is for you .
Our workout is combined of 3 groups of 2 exercises each ,we're gonna keep our heart rate high with minimum rest between the sets .
That been said let's do it!

Warm up(20 s) :
1-Slow high knees
2-Slow butt kicker
3-Side leg swings
4-Leg swings
7-Jog in place
8-Jumping jacks

Warm up sets [5-6 sets ,10-20 reps,1 minute rest]
Group 1:

Set 1 
A-Calve raises [Light weight with at least 25 reps]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Hip Thrust [Unloaded bar]
Set 2
A-Calve raises [Same weight as set 1]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Hip Thrust [Loaded bar,5-10 kg with an easy 20 reps]
Set 3
A-Calve raises[add 50-100% the first weight with at least 15 reps]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Hip thrust [Same weight as set 2]
Set 4
A-Calve raises[Same weight as set 3]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Hip thrust [add 100% the first weight with minimum 15 reps]
Set 5
Same as set 4
Set 6 
A-Calve raises [Same as set 1]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Hip thrust [Same as set 2]

Group 2 [5-6 sets ,10-20 reps ,1-2 minutes rest]

Set 1:
A-Squat[Loaded bar with at least 20 reps]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Lunges [Light weight]
Set 2:
A-Squat[Same as set 1]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Lunges [Same as set 1]
Set 3
A-Squat [add 100-150% the first weight with at least 15 reps no struggle]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Lunges [add 50-100% ]
Set 4
A-Squat [same as set 3]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Lunges [Same as set 3]
Set 5 (drop set)
A-Squat [Same as set 1]
Super set or 1-2 minutes rest
B-Lunges [Same as set 1]
Set 6 
Repeat set 5

Group 3 [3-4 sets ]:
Set 1-4:
A-Pistol squat [5-10 reps]
B-Sumo squat [15 reps with a manageable weight]

Note;You can assist yourself with a chair for the pistol squat

Cool down:
1-Standing quad stretch
2-Inner thigh stretch
3-Downward dog
4-Pigeon stretch
5-Deep glut stretch
6-Supine twist stretch
7-Butterfly stretch

And it's done guys !Good job ,hope you enjoyed this routine ,please drink lots of water ,eat healthy and sleep well see you .Peace.

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