jeudi 26 décembre 2019

10 Exercises Kick-ass Workout to Build Strong Back and Explosive Legs !

Hello everyone,we are back with another kick-ass workout that you're going to love,in this routine we are doing variations between endurance-based strength exercises for legs and pure strength exercises for both back and legs ,with one corrective exercise (face pulls) and a HIIT one (Box jump squats),all this exercises are drop-sets of ABAB format with 1 minute rest in between ,that means you jump from exercise A to B without rest(that's the first set) ,resting 1 min then back to AB(2nd set) ,all you need is your basic gym equipment (dumbbells,barbell,plates) and a box or a high platform like your bed to do box jump squats(important).
Now without further talk let's jump into the workout !

Warm ups (20s):
1-Arm circles.
2-Slow high knees.
3-Slow butt kicker.
4-Torso twist.
5-Toe touch sweeps.
6-Hips rotations.
7-Leg swings (left and right).
8-Warrior two.
9-Air Squats.
10-Jumping jacks.

Strength workout :
Exercise one :Face pulls [4 sets,10 to 20 reps ]

Use resistance bands if you're at home ,pull to your face while contracting the upper back ,the traps and the rear delts ,always maintain some kind of tension throughout the set .

Exercise Two:Box jump squat with a twist [4 set,4 to 7 reps each side ]

You need a high platform like a bed or a box or just a steady bench ,the movement start from the floor on your knees ready for a  jump to a squat position then do a twist jump to another squat position on the box or the bed ,then back to the floor with the same motion ,do it in both sides and always contract the abs and the glutes for better stability .

Exercise Three:Deadlifts [6 sets,8 to 14 reps ]

Deadlifts are widely known as the most effective lift to grow strength and explosiveness,but lately there has been some debate about their risk to reward ratio ,but here we're not going to debate about that ,the proper saying is to do them as clean as possible and benefit from them the best way possible,so it's best to consult some videos on youtube like :
Athleanx :
Eddie Hall:
these are the best .

Set 1:Use light weight on the bar ,between 15 lbs and 30 lbs and do 12 to 14 reps.
Set2:Add weight 70% the first weight and do 10 to 12 reps.
Set3:Same as set 2.
Set 4:Add 50% the previous weight and do at least 10 reps with.
Set 5:Same as set 4 but do 8 reps.
Set 6:Lower the weight by 50% and do as much as you can.

Exercise Four:Squats pull through [4 sets,10 to 12 reps]

In this one you also need resistance bands if you don't have a cable machine ,the trick is to maintain constant tension with a squat position leaning forward to an angle and squatting while pulling the resistance bands from between the legs with the hips and contracting the glutes at the same time.

Exercise Five:Pull ups [4 sets ,6 to 10 reps]

Note:if you can't do regular pulls ,use resistance bands to assist you or do half pull ups ,watch this video for help:

Exercise Six:Cable pull downs[4 sets ,10 to 15 reps]

Watch your barbarian to get an idea:

Exercise Seven:Dumbbells Carry [5 sets,50s to 1 min]

Pick up a heavy weight ,contract the abs ,the back and glutes ,walk around the room or in the backyard for about 1 minute .

Exercise Eight :Reverse lunges[5 sets,14 to 20reps]

Do alternating or side by side ,squeeze the glutes and the quads throughout the motion.

Exercise Nine:Goblet squat [4 sets,10 to 15 reps]

This exercise is glutes dominated ,try pushing with the heels from bottom position which is squat position ass to the grass ,then squeeze the glutes at the top position.

Exercise Ten:Single Arm Row [4sets,8 to 12 reps each side]

In this one use a pretty heavy weight ,try pulling with the elbows ,imagine that the dumbbell is actually held by your elbow ,feel the weight with the lats by contracting them at the top ,you can use a little twist of the shoulder at the top,that's ok as long as you gain more contraction on the lats ,if you feel it on the shoulder stop get rest or use lighter weight .

Cool down (20 s):
1-Arm cross stretch.
2-Side bend +inner thigh stretch.
3-Toe touch stretch.
4-Downward dog.
5-Cobra stretch.
6-Quad stretch.
7-Deep glute stretch.
8-Supine twist stretch.
9-Child pose .
10-Butterfly stretch
11-Deep hip stretch

And you're done! good job guys ,please eat healthy ,drink lots of water and get good sleep ,see you next time ,Peace.

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