dimanche 17 septembre 2017

Grow your Butt and Quads With this Exercises

Grow Your Butt and Quads With this Exercises :

Hello everyone today we're doing some serious labor ,a workout for your lower body ,get those legs jacked with this fundamental exercises ,you can incorporate this exercises in every workout and the results are phenomenal ,now prepare your favorite playlist your water bottle and let's get into it!

For every workout we begin with a warm up (too important) :

Warm up :
1-Arm circles
2-Slow high knees
3-Slow butt kicker
4-Toe touch sweeps
5-Leg swing (front)
6-Leg swing (side)
5-Squat ,or air squat
7-Jog in place
8-Jumping jacks

We 're done with the warm up ,you can add other exercises ,but don't exhaust  yourself we're just staring the workout .

Strength Workout :
Now for this exercises ,some require dumbbells ,others require a barbell ,but you can compensate for that ,example :if you don't have a barbell for the squat ,use dumbbell ,put them to your shoulder ,or do a different variation like the goblet squat .

For the first sets :

Exercise 1 : Squat / Goblet squat [5-6 sets ,10-20 reps ,1 minute rest between]

Set 1 (Unloaded bar /Light dumbbells ):do 20 reps for a warm up
Set 2,3 (Loaded bar /Heavy dumbbells):do at least 15 reps with a controllable weight .
Set 4 (Loaded 50 % to 100% the first weight /2x heaver dumbbells):for the dumbbells it's hard to control a heavy weight to your shoulder ,it's much suitable to switch to a goblet squat .
Set 5,6 (Unload the bar /lower the weight):do as set 2 and 3 or use a lighter weight

Exercise 2 :Pistol squat [3-4 sets,8-10 reps ,1 minute rest]

Set 1 (assisted):assist yourself with a chair do 8 reps focus on squeezing your gluts all the way down and up
Set 2 :do 8 reps non assisted or do 10 assisted
Set 3:do 10 reps non assisted or do 12 assisted
Set 4:do 8 reps non assisted or do 10 assisted

Exercise 3 :Hip thrust [5-6 sets ,15-20 reps,1 minute rest]

Set 1,2 (Loaded bar ):Do at least 15 reps with a manageable weight ,squeeze your gluts and hamstrings also your quads,hold at the top the last rep for 10 seconds 
Set 3,4(Loaded bar ):add  50% to 100 % the first weight ,do 10 to 12 reps ,hold at the top the last rep for 10 seconds
Set 5,6 (Unload the bar):decrease the weight like set 3 and 4 or more lighter ,do 15 reps,hold at the top the last rep for 10 seconds.

Exercise 4 :Lunges or Dumbbell lunges [5-6 sets ,16-20 reps ,1 minute rest]

Set 1,2 :Use light dumbbells ,do at least 20 reps with .focus on squeezing your gluts and quads .
Set 3,4:Use heaver dumbbells or stick to the previous ones do at least 16 reps .
Set 5:Lower the weight and do another 16 reps

We came to the end of the workout now we must stretch those muscles to get a good recovery for tomorrow.

Cool down :
1-Standing quad stretch
2-Toe touch
3-Inner thigh stretch
4-Downward dog
5-Cobra stretch
6-Pigeon stretch
7-Supine twist stretch
8-Butterfly stretch

And it's done good job guys ,hope you liked this routine ,drink lot's of water and eat healthy see you next time .Peace.

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