vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Kickboxing ,Abs and Back Strength Routine :Build Endurance and Gain Muscles

Kickboxing ,Abs and Back Strength Routine:
Hi fam ,today we're doing a fun combination ,this routine is designed to kick stress out ,build you a blasting endurance and strength while burning fat of course ,the first part of it is kickboxing ,it's a mixture of movements,combined into exercises with 20 seconds in each one ,also we're doing for both sides ,left and right.
The second part in an abs routine ,in this part we're doing 35 seconds in each exercise and resting 10 seconds .The last part is a back workout ,we're doing 3 main exercises .
That been said let's do it !

Warm up (20s):
1-Arm circles
2-Shoulder rotations
3-Front reach + chest stretch
4-Side bend
5-Standing torso twist
6-Slow high knees
7-Slow butt kicker
8-Jog in place
9-Jumping jacks

Note:You can incorporate a 1 minute jumping rope

Kickboxing routine:

Group 1 [20 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
B-2x jab ,2x upper cut

Group 2[20 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
A-Jab,cross,upper cut ,2x hook
B-Jab,cross,jab ,2x ducks

Group 3[20 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
A-Shin block (front knee),jab,cross,jab,shin block(rear knee)
B-Shin block (front knee),knee ,2x upper cut

Group 4[20 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
A-Front kick ,jab,cross ,jab
B-Front kick,knee,2x hook

Group 5[20 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
A-Shin block (front),front kick (other leg)
B-Jab ,cross

Water break (2-3 minutes)

Abs routine:

Group A [35 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
1-Plank and reach (plank and reach for your hips ,left hand with the right hip and reverse)
2-Plank (just hold the plank position ,focus on contracting the abs and breathing)

Group B [35 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
A-Toe touch crunch (flat on your back with your legs up ,reach for your toes for 1 second then release and go down for 1 second repeat the movement as long as you can)
B-Toe touch hold (hold on the top of the mouvement as long as you can)

Group C [35 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
A-Pilates swimmers
B-Back bow hold (hold on the top of the movement ,squeeze your gluts ,contract the abdomen and hold for as long as you can ,breath )

Rest (1 minute)

Group D [35 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
A-Russian twist
B-Recline hold (like the russian twist but don't twist just hold the movement as long as you can ,make sure you don't bend the back in ,if it get's hard rest for a second)

Group E [35 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
A-Jack knife crunches
B-Jack knife hold (hold your leg in the top of the movement ,the lower you position your legs from the floor the harder it gets ,make sure to not stress your lower back ,focus on your abs and your breathing)

Group F [35 seconds ,10 seconds rest]:
B-Crunch hold (hold on the top of the movement ,you can put your hands on your chest for an easier version ,or on  the back of your head for the harder one.

Back Strength Routine:
Now we finally get to use some weight ,in this workout we'll focus on 3 main exercises ,we do them for 5 to 6 sets .

Exercise 1 :Pull ups  [4-5 sets ,1 minute rest]
Set 1 to 5 :do a combination of 8 8 10 8 5 ,or do as many as you can in each set

Exercise 2 : Single arm dumbbell row [6 sets ,1 minute rest]
Set 1:Use light weight ,do at least 17 reps in each side
Set 2 to 3:Get a pretty heavy dumbbell that you can do at least 12 reps with
Set 4:Raise to a heavier dumbbell and do 10 each side
Set 5 and 6:Lower the weight and do 14 to 17 in each side

Exercise 3:Dumbbell Shrugs [4 sets ,1 minute rest]
Set 1,2:With a light weight do 20 reps
Set 3,4:Use a heavier dumbbell and get 15 solid reps
Set 5:With lighter weight do 20 reps .

Note :You can superset the exercise with front plate raises ,focusing on sneezing the upper back part of your traps .

Cool down (20 s):
1-Arm cross stretch
2-Chest stretch
3-Wide legs forward fold
4-Downward dog
5-Cobra stretch
6-Child pose
7-Supine twist stretch

And you're done ! nice job guys ,hope you liked this routine ,drink lots of water eat healthy ,and see you next time .Peace.

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