jeudi 21 septembre 2017



You have searched long before spotting this article ,and the reason why is that you always wanted a workout that will suits you  ,well you stopped at the right place ,in this workout i'am giving you the best exercises for a great pump ,and we all know that pump=happiness ,so let's not wait any longer and jump into it ,prepare your favorite playlist ,a water bottle ,and LET'S DO IT!

But first ,warm up !

Warm up (20 s):
1-Arm circles
2-Arm crossover
3-Front reach+ chest stretch
6-Jog in place
7-Jumping jacks
8-Fly jacks

Warm up  sets :
This exercises are designed to get your body warmed for the actual stuff ,very important .

Group 1 [4-5 sets ,15-20 reps,45s to 1 minute rest]:
A-Shoulder pass through
B-Dumbbell scarecrow
C-Rotator cuff external rotation
D-Bent over reverse flyes

Note:you can do all this exercises like a superset ,no rest between them .
-Use light weight for scarecrow ,and the external rotations,and for the pass through use a band ,or a pvc pipe or anything that is above shoulder length.

In this workout i'am going to show you the exercises that you would do to get a great pump .

Exercise 1 :Bench press [6 to 7 sets ,15-20 reps ,1 minute rest]

Set 1,2 [Loaded bar]:use weight that you can do at least 15 reps with .
Set 3,4,5 :Add weight to the bar ,50% to 100% the first weight
Set 6,7: Unload the bar to a lighter weight .

Exercise 2:Triceps kickback [5 sets, 15-20 reps,1 minute rest]

Set 1:Use light weight for the warm up ,do 20 reps with.
Set 2 to 5 :Use much heavier weight ,do 15 to 17 reps with ,single arm for extra reps.

Note :always test yourself ,a secret for a great pump is knowing the amount of weight to do for such amount of rest ,with control and great form ,don't use dumbbells that you can't handle.

Exercise 3 and 4:Dumbbells Flyes [6 sets ,10 to 17 reps ,1 minute rest]
Super set with Push ups :[6 sets,12 to 15 reps]

Set 1,2 :Do 17 reps with a medium weight ,and superset it with 15 Push ups
Set 3,4:Get a much heavier weight 50% to 100% the first weight and do 10 reps ,super set with 12 reps Push ups.
Set 5,6:Lower the weight and do 17 reps and superset it with Push ups for 15 reps .

Note:always focus on squeezing your chest through the motion.

Exercise 5:Biceps curls [5 sets ,12-15 reps ,1 minute rest]

Alternative :Hammer curls

Set 1 [Biceps curls]:Do 20 reps with light dumbbells ,focus on squeezing the biceps.
Set 2,3[Biceps curls]:Use a heavier dumbbells with at least 12 reps
Set 4,5 [Hammer curls]:As an alternative do the Hammer curls for 12 reps ,the same previous weight.

Exercise 6:Chest dips [5 sets ,8-12 reps ,1 minute rest]

Super set with Dumbbells Pullover

Set 1 to 5 [Chest dips]: do this combination 8 10 12 12 10 ,or do many reps as you can in each set.
Set 1 to 5 [Dumbbells Pullover]:use a pretty heavy dumbbell and do 10 to 12 reps with ,if you start to lose your form and feel it in areas other than chest,like the shoulders ,Stop ! ,take a rest or lower the weight.

Now for the stretches !

Cool down (20 s):
1-Arm cross stretch
2-Tricep overhead stretch
3-Chest stretch (standing wall stretch)
4-Wide leg forward fold
5-Downward dog
6-Cobra stretch
7-Child Pose
8-Supine twist stretch
9-Isometric rotator cuff stretches

And it's done, good job guys ,hope you liked this routine ,drink lots of water and eat healthy food,see you next time.Peace.

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