jeudi 7 septembre 2017

The Back and Shoulders Workout of the Year

The Back and Shoulders Workout of the Year :

Here we go again guys after some break we're back with some new combinations ,back and shoulders ,in this workout we're doing some exercises for a warm up ,then a deadlift session ,and then hypertrophy exercises to get you jacked ,now that been said prepare your water-bottle your favorite playlist and LET'S DO THAT SHIT !

Warm up (20 second) :
1-Arm crossover swing
2-Arm circles
3-Front reach  + Chest stretch
5-Walkdown dog
6-Slow high knees
7-Slow buttkicker
8-Leg swing
9-Squat + Push -Pull (push-pull and imaginary wall in front of you while doing the squat)
10-Jog in place

Warm up sets :
Now the important part ,to get you safe for a deadlift session we need a warm up routine ,for shoulders ,lower/upper back ,very important.

Group 1 [4 sets ,15-20 reps ,45 s rest]
A-Dumbbells scarecrow
B-Rotator cuff external rotations
C-Bent over reverse flys
D-Hyperextensions (optional)

Notes:-You can do all this exercises at once without rest ,and rest 1 minutes ,or do one by one and rest 45 second between them
-Use light weight for exercise A and B

Back and Shoulders routine:

Deadlift session:

Group 2 [5-6 sets ,8-20 reps ,1 minute rest]
Set 1 [Unloaded bar]:do at least 20 reps
Set 2-3 [Loaded bar ]:use a weight that you can do at least 15 solid reps ,that means 20 to 30% your body-weight ,or lighter .
Set 4-5 [Loaded bar]:add another weight that you can do at least 10 reps with,or double the first weight ,40 to 30% body-weight
Set 6 [Maximum]:this set is done with a weight that is hard to move from the floor but that you can do with at least 5 to 8 reps ,with proper form .You can add some pounds/kilos to the bar but not too much .
Set 7[Deload]:deload the bar to a weight equal to the one in Set 2-3 or much lighter.

Hypertrophy exercises (Gets you jacked !):

Group 3 [4-5 sets ,15-20 reps,1 minute rest]
A-Lateral raises
B-Single Arm Row

Group 4 [3-4 sets,15-20 reps,1 minute rest]
A-Dumbbell Arnold press
B-Dumbbell shrugs

Group 5 [3-4 sets,15-20 reps,45s to 1 minute rest](Burnout)
A-Shoulder press
B-Dumbbell pullover

Notes:You can do this exercises as a separate group or you can add them to group 4 as a superset exercises ,exemple :you do the Arnold press then you move to the shoulder press without rest ,same with the dumbbell shrugs superset them with the dumbbell shrugs .
-For the Shoulder press you can use a bar or dumbbells ,it's up to you ,but use a weight that you can do at least 15 solid reps .

Cool down (20 second)
1-Arm cross stretch
2-Isometric rotator cuff stretches
3-Wide leg forward fold
4-Downward dog
5-Cobra stretch
6-Half hero pose
7-Supine twist stretch

And it's done ! ,nice job guys ,hope you liked this routine ,please drink lots of water ,and eat healthy ,see you next time .Peace !

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